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Hookah Blog — onyx bowl

Top hookah products of 2016 (U.S. Market)

The top hookah products of 2016 (U.S. Market)


Hello again, and welcome back to the Masonshishaware blog! In today’s post, we are going to be going over a brief synopsis of hookah in 2016 with the top products in mind, though some products from 2015 will creep on the list as well due to them still reigning supreme. To keep this on a lighter and unbiased note, I’ll be keeping my opinions out of the topics for the most part and aiming to cover the crowd favorites of the year starting from top to bottom.


Diamonds in the...

A brief history of blood, sweat, and clay

A brief history of blood, sweat, and clay

Hello all, and welcome to the freshly minted Masonshishaware blog! My name is Rob and some of you may know me as DudeWhere’sMyHookah on various social media. I’m thrilled to be bringing you the first entry in a long line of blog posts and where better to start than on arguably the most important part of a hookah; the bowl.

A brief history of blood, sweat, and clay.

It should be no shocker here that primarily bowls, or heads of the hookah, have gone through various changes since their inception. Many of the first...